STK-ID 43895

LANDSCAPE TS of rocky cliffs, water below, hills in background. MS of red high-wing airplane flying in for landing, water and hills in background. MS of Johnny Rook on grassy plateau in foreground, roof of airplane just visible as it taxis past, grassy slopes in background. MS of house with wash on line and British flag on flagpole, water and hillside in background. LA MLS of Johnny Rooks in flight against dark blue sky with alto-cumulus clouds. MLS of one Johnny Rook in flight against blue sky. MLS PAN RIGHT TS of one Johnny Rook flying over water, heading for buildings on shore, then landing on roof. MCU of shadow of Johnny Rook pulling at clothesline, then perching on line. MS of flock of juvenile Johnny Rooks on rocks, grassy hillside and water in background, flock flying off. MS of old boat resting on ground, tilted on its side, juvenile Johnny Rooks perched on it. MS of chimney of house, Johnny Rook perched on it. MCU of Johnny Rook perched on chimney, being joined by a second Johnny Rook. ECU of talons of Johnny Rook on top of wooden pole. MS of four juvenile Johnny Rooks perched on wooden fence poles. ECU of face of Johnny Rook. HA MS of person hanging up wash on line in yard, beach, old boat and water in background. ECU FA of face of Johnny Rook. HA MS of sheep in pens by barn. ECU of face of Johnny Rook.


Excerpt from
Falkland Islands
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio