LANDSCAPE of tussock grass, wildlife filmmaker Mark Smith struggling to walk through tall grass. MS of wildlife filmmaker Jane Watson struggling to walk through tall tussock grass, carrying equipment on her shoulders, mountains in background. LS PAN RIGHT to rocky cliff with huge flock of penguins, some seals and Johnny Rook standing in foreground. MS FA of wildlife filmmaker Jane Watson standing behind camera, clumps of tussock grass in background. ECU of two Johnny Rooks, one gently grooming head of the other. ECU of face of wildlife filmmaker Mark Smith putting binoculars to his eyes. MCU of two Johnny Rooks, one feeding the other. MCU of Watson and camera. MS of two Johnny Rooks standing side by side, throwing their heads back and calling. ECU LEFT of faces of Johnny Rooks as they call, dissolve. MCU SA of head of Johnny Rook. MS TILT DOWN ZOOM OUT of two Johnny Rooks mating. ECU of Johnny Rooks after they mate.