STK-ID 44269

HA LS of feet on ground, TILT UP three kayakers standing in a circle. CU of knotted rope. HA MS of kayaker lowering himself down side of cliff. MS of kayaker standing at top of cliff, guiding down rope. LS of kayaker in kayak being lowered down side of cliff, kayaker at top helping guide the rope. HA LS of water rushing over side of falls, kayaker at bottom visible paddling away. CU of kayaker's helmet. CU of kayaker's hands. MS of kayaker pushing kayak over falls. HA MS of kayaker starting getting lowered down cliffside. LS of kayaker at bottom of falls looking up. LS of kayaker in kayak being lowered down falls. LS of two kayakers at bottom of falls looking up. HA over top of waterfall. Slow motion LS of kayaker paddling over falls. CU of camera submerged in water. Slow motion LS of kayaker going over waterfall, landing head down. UNDERWATER MS of kayaker trying to right himself in water. LS of kayaker turning upright in water, starting swinging around his paddle. LS of kayakers paddling down river. ESTABLISHING of orange sunset. (253)


Excerpt from
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio