Winter scenics of Bas-Saint-Laurent Region; MCS of ice built up on shore of Saint Lawrence River, TILT UP to WS with islands in distant background (0:27). MLSs of houses in village of Saint-Germain (0:14). MLS of house on bluff (0:30). MLS and MSs of church (0:58). MS of crucifix in sanctuary on roadside, road cross (0:16). MLSs of ice built up on shoreline of river (0:18). LS across stretch of open water of islands off coast, MS of ice receding from pebbled beach in foreground (0:46). LS across river (open water) of Larentian hills on north shore with large boulders in foreground (0:17). MSs of small blocks of ice melting in shallows near shoreline (0:49).