STK-ID 4507

General Crerar in Canada (00/08/1945): MLS of ocean liner in the harbour. A band plays while the ship with jampacked decks fills the frame in the background people wave from the pier. HAS of ship's deck crowded with repatriots. Civilians disembark past the camera. Cut to General Crerar posing with two women, with General McNaughton and another officer, with McNaughton and another civilian. LAS of General Crerar coming down the gangplank followed by other officers, and the two women. Men lining railing above cheering. LAS of men cheering from the deck high above the pier, from lifeboats. Sequence on the arrival of General Crerar in Moncton, welcoming ceremony, of his departure by train from that city. Shots, from behind him, of General Crerar waving at people on the railway station platform, speaking to soldiers. LAS of the General speaking, final CU of General Crerar, hatless, eating an ice cream cone on the rear platform of the train. Sequence on General Crerar's welcome in Ottawa. Prime Minister King is on hand at the train station to welcome the Canadian general. Various shots of General Crerar riding official car with Prime Minister King. PANs over large crowd on Parliament Hill, soldiers. Shots of General Crerar, Prime Minister King and others on dais as King gets ready to speak.


Excerpt from
Canadian Military News - ASN
Halifax, Moncton, Ottawa
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio