STK-ID 45103

Visual of Victoriaville; WS from top of hill of village and farmlands, PAN SHOT to WS of town, reverse shot (1:23). MS of convenience store on street corner (0:36). MLS of residential street, light traffic (0:15). MLS of red brick church (0:13). MS of statue of Jesus (artist: Armand Vaillancourt) in front of Sacré-Coeur College (two shots; 0:27). HAMLSs of small dam on Nicolet River (0:19). HAMLS of light traffic on small arched bridge spanning river (0:14). MS of road sign at entrance of town (0:13). MLSs of traffic in town (0:37). LAMS of bell tower of elegant church, TILT DOWN to MLS of church (0:33). MLS looking down busy downtown streets (0:25). MWS and WSs of large country church in rural landscape (0:54).


Excerpt from
Okanagan Dreams
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
Betacam SP
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486