STK-ID 45227

Series of shots of activities at River Inlet Sportsman's Club; night shots of staff members cleaning Chinook salmon on cleaning table on dock (0:41). Daylight shot of men preparing fishing rods (0:16). CS of club's sign, PAN to MS of staff members greeting customers on dock, a Grumman Goose plane is tied to dock (0:30). BOATING SHOTS of fishermen on inlet (0:25). Various shots of employees cleaning catch of salmon on cleaning table on dock, CS of scale under club's sign (1:24). Scenic WS of rays of sunlight filtering through openings in dark clouds over ocean (0:08). MS of two fishermen and guide in motorboat coming back to lodge after outing, shots of guide unloading catch, CS of various species of fish in bucket, shots of guide hanging fish on scale (2:14). MLS of customers having lunch on porch (0:03). BOATING SHOTS of fishermen fighting fish in coastal waters (0:51).


Excerpt from
Ski Bums
Coast and Mountains region (British Columbia)
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Betacam SP
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486