Visual of Pangnirtung in autumn; CU of flame burning in Inuit soapstone lamp (1:10). LSs of supply ship anchored in fiord, a few dogs move about on shore in foreground (1:23). MLS looking down street, a water truck passes by (0:15). MCSs of stream littered with garbage and debris flowing into fiord (1:42). MS of rusted fuel drum beside house in disrepair on shore of fiord (0:26). MWS of boats pulled up on pebbled beach at edge of town (0:30). HAMLS, and MS of crates of building materials and various supplies stacked up on shoreline (1:07). MLS of boats and crates on shore, TILT DOWN to CS of caribou antlers in freight canoe, reverse shot (0:41). Beach level LA of man rowing dingy to shore, hand held following him walking up to mooring post, he ties his boats mooring line and walks away (1:32).