MS of alligator swimming from left to right among many fish, gasping for air at surface of water; right side of face of alligator and part of its back visible as it swims almost completely out of frame. MCU of alligator swimming from left to right, PAN RIGHT to FOLLOW its action; right eye of alligator visible and making reflection on water; the alligator surrounded by water, several fish gasping for air at surface. MCU of alligator quickly snatching fish gasping for air in water; alligator turning slightly and beginning swimming almost directly toward camera, sunlight glistening on left side of its body as it swims from top to bottom and out of frame. MCU of alligator swimming from right to left with fish in its mouth, quick splashes in water to left of alligator's mouth. CU of alligator swimming from right to left with fish in its mouth, alligator's head and back visible as it swims out of frame, swaying its back and tail as it does so. (41410)