Nighttime CU of orb-weaver spider in its web. Nighttime CU SA of head of myotis bat hanging upside down, caught in orb-weaver spider web. Nighttime MCU of orb-weaver spider hanging all spread out in its web. Nighttme MS of orb-weaver spider approaching myotis bat caught in its web. Nighttime MLS of orb-weaver spider in centre of its web, myotis bat caught in web at left of spider. Nighttime MS and MLS of orb-weaver spider getting busy encasing its large prey (myotis bat) in silk. Nighttime CU and MLS of orb-weaver spider still busy encasing its large prey (myotis bat) in silk. Nighttime PAN DOWN and ZOOM IN to MS of myotis bat neatly encased in silk in web of orb-weaver spider, spider hanging off side of bat (difficult to see; looks creepy and interesting). (41825)