STK-ID 46005

Night SA MS of baby fishing bat nursing as it hangs next to mother fishing bat on bark of tree. ECU of hind claw of baby fishing bat. ECU of head of baby fishing bat. Night MCU of baby fishing bat clinging to bark of tree, poking at adult fishing bat clinging to bark behind baby, adult bat sniping at baby bat. Night MS of baby fishing bat clinging to bark of tree, poking at adult fishing bat clinging to bark behind baby, adult bat sniping at baby bat. Night MS of baby and adult fishing bat clinging to bark of tree, adult bat appearing to slip and has some trouble holding on, ZOOM IN to MCU of baby bat. Two night ECU SA of head of baby fishing bat, first shot is a bit too dark, face is partially obscured by bat's wing or claw in second shot. ECU of hind claw of fishing bat as it holds onto bark. (41878)


Excerpt from
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio