STK-ID 46139

MS of three wild dogs lying down in a row. MS of two wild dogs peering into hole. MS of wild dog pups emerging from burrow. LS of wild dogs coming and greeting pups. MS of adult wild dog licking pup. MS of wild dog pups exiting burrow. LS of adult wild dogs "kissing" pups. MS of wild dog pup walking amongst adult's legs. MS of wild dog pup getting caught under adult's feet. MS of adult wild dogs licking pup. CU of wild dog pups nursing. LS of wild dog pups fighting for a place to nurse. CU of wild dog pups nursing. LS of wild dog pups playing. MS of adult wild dog grooming pup. MS of adult wild dog picking up pup in mouth, carrying it off. LS of two adult wild dogs carrying pup away L-R. MS of adult wild dog lying down, looking around. LS of adult wild dogs running away from camera. LS of wild dog attacking the two wild dogs carrying pup. LS of wild dog "puppy-nappers" running off. LS of dominant wild dog mother reclaiming pup and walking off with it. LS of wild dog running R-L with pup in its mouth. LS of wild dog running L-R and returning pup to burrow. (296)


Excerpt from
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio