POV LA TS of men on snowmobile pulling man on sled. MS of men on snowmobiles riding towards camera. LANDSCAPE TS of sun on snow in Baffin Island. MCU FA of two men bundled up on sled. MS RA of two men in sled being pulled by men on snowmobile. POV TS of barren area with nothing but snow. Time-lapse MLS of men on snowmobiles and sleds into location of map of Baffin Island (MCU). MLS TS of OUT OF FOCUS Baffin Island Mountains in the distance, PAN LEFT to MCU of man reading book. CU of man in sled wearing hat and red jacket. HA MS of snowmobiles approaching camera. MCU of man bundled up so much that his face is not visible. CU of man bundled up. TRACKING MS RA of snowmobile pulling sled. MCU of two men getting something out of their backpacks. (647)