Camel slaughtering field: MS FA of two Chadian men holding down camel and slitting an artery in its neck, blood spurting/gushing out of camel's neck, camel's neck writhing (good but very explicit, graphic shot). VAR of Chadian men cutting up approximatively four camels for meat; sequence involving all manner of cutting, hacking, skinning, with blood (interesting sequence but very explicit, graphic). VAR of Chadian men cutting up approximatively four camels for meat; sequence involving PAN R of field, men cutting up camels, including man bending camel's leg backwards until it snaps (interesting shots but very explicit, graphic). several shots of Chadian men cutting up camels for meat. several shots of Chadian men cutting up camels for meat; excessively bloody sequence, including CU of blood puddle. MCU RA/SA of Chadian man severing camel's head from its neck, first by hacking at it with axe, then by cutting it with knife; camel's head and neck have already been skinned, making this shot quite disturbing. MS RA ZOOM IN of Chadian man hacking away at camel innards, ZOOM OUT to a few young Chadian men joking around in background. (42271)