MCU of propped up skinned camel head, skin still attached to front of nose/snout, tongue hanging out, head still attached to long fleshy neck, head rolling over, Chadian man propping it up again, beginning to cut back of head where it meets neck, ZOOM OUT. MCU of skinned camel head on side on ground, mouth open, teeth visible. Camel slaughtering field: VAR HA MCU of Chadian man cutting up innards. MS FA of man picking up fresh camel meat and loading it onto ass's back. MS of slabs of camel meat lying on ground, man picking up meat piece by piece and loading it onto ass's back, ZOOM OUT to ass and man, ZOOM IN to MCU of meat on ass's back, man standing behind meat. CU SA of pair of sandals sitting in sand as wind blows sand over them. (42272)