STK-ID 46378

Several SLOW MOTION MS of Mexican fruit bat flying over dipteryx (tonka bean) tree. CU of head of boa constrictor sticking out its tongue. Several SLOW MOTION MCU of bat flying over tree. MCU of head of boa, snake crawling up branch. Several SLOW MOTION MCU of Mexican fruit bat flying over dipteryx (tonka bean) trees. SLOW MOTION CU of head of boa, snake crawling up branch, lungeing at bat and missing. SLOW MOTION MCU of bat flying over dipteryx tree. VAR SLOW MOTION (including MCU) of Mexican fruit bats flying to dipteryx (tonka bean) and grabbing fruit, tearing them off stems and carrying them away from tree. SLOW MOTION MS/FA of bat flying over palm fronds. Two SLOW MOTION MCU of bat flying under palm frond, landing. SLOW MOTION MCU, TILT to CU of bat hanging upside down and eating fruit. SLOW MOTION MCU of Mexican fruit bat hanging upside down and eating fruit, dropping fruit. CU of dipteryx (tonka bean) fruit hitting ground. Several SLOW MOTION MCU of bats flying from roost to tree, getting fruit, flying back to feeding roost. MCU of Mexican fruit bat hanging upside at roost, eating dipteryx (tonka bean) fruit, dropping fruit. CU of fruit hitting ground. CU of face of bat eating fruit. MCU of bat eating fruit, dropping fruit. MCU of fruit falling on pile of fruit. CU of face of Mexican fruit bat hanging upside down and moving mouth. Several CU/MCU of dipteryx (tonka bean) fruit falling on pile. (292)


Excerpt from
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio