STK-ID 46383

From DISSOLVE to MLS of Stan Rand and two students walking in rainforest at night using headlamps. MCU of physalaemus postulosus (frog) sitting in water and vocalizing. MCU/FA of phrynohyas venulosa sitting on branch and vocalizing. MCU of hyla microcephala (frog) sitting on branch and vocalizing. MLS of Stan Rand and two students walking in rainforest at night with headlamps. MCU/MS of physalaemus venulosa sitting in water and vocalizing. MCU of hyla microcephala sitting on branch and vocalizing. MCU/FA of phrynohyas venulosa sitting on branch and vocalizing. MS of Stan Rand and two students standing and talking in rainforest at night. MCU of physalaemus postulosus sitting in water and vocalizing. Brief MS/RA of frog moving in puddle. MS of Stan Rand and two students standing and talking in rainforest at night (imitating frog calls). MCU of hyla microcephala sitting on branch and vocalizing. MS of head of red-eyed tree frog peeking over edge of green leaf. Various MS of Stan Rand and two students standing and talking at night. Various MCU/MS of phrynohyas venulosa (frog) sitting on branch and vocalizing (cut back and forth between these two scenes). (292)


Excerpt from
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio