VAR (including MWS, MS, MCU, mostly SA) of physollemus frogs in shallow water, calling (blowing out vocal sacs), mating, jumping. VAR (including WS, MWS, MCU, CU, FA, RA) poison dart frog in rain, on thick green branch, jumping, hopping to shelter; great footage. VAR ECU, CU of physollemus frogs in shallow water, mating, calling (blow vocal sac), hopping around. HA MS of fish swimming near surface of water, water foliage around edge of frame. MCU of same. VAR (including WS, MS, MCU, CU, mostly FA) of physollemus frogs in shallow water mating, male whipping fluid released with eggs to protect them; as shots progress, fluid turns more meringue-like, bubbly and bigger. (41286)