CU of puma track in snow. ZOOM IN to reveal Penny (puma) walking l-r along shoreline. PAN RIGHT to follow Penny (puma) walking in snow. ZOOM IN to reveal Penny (puma) hiding in snow-covered brush. MS of silhouette of hare behind brush. LS of Penny (puma) pausing then walking left. PAN LEFT of hare running then stopping atop snow drift. MS of Penny (puma) peeking out from behind snow drift. LS of Penny (puma) moving slowly toward hare. MS of Penny (puma) stalking through snow. MS of hare sitting on snow. MS of Penny (puma) stalking hare. PAN LEFT of hare beginning to jump. PAN to follow Penny (puma) chasing after hare. PAN to follow Penny (puma) chasing hare into brush (dusk). LS of Penny (puma) catching hare holding it with her feet. MS of two foxes watching from their perch on rocks. PAN with Penny (puma) as she toys with hare, dusk. LS of fox sitting on rock, looking, dusk. MS of fox on rock being joined by another fox, dusk. (295)