PAN RIGHT with Penny (puma) walking through field. PAN to follow Penny with her wounded thigh as she marks her territory by brushing against branches and desicrating. LS of guanaco atop hill. PAN with Penny walking about, sniffing surrounding vegetation. CU of Penny (puma) sniffing vegetation. MS PAN with Penny (puma) walking l-r, stopping, licking her paw and looking around. LS of male puma standing on rocks, PAN to Penny (puma) walking on rocks nearby. CU of Penny (puma) walking l-r over rocks. MS of male puma turning about apprehensively. CU of Penny (puma) lying down, yawning. MS of male puma staring at camera. LS of Penny (puma) lying on rocks, stretching out, dusk. LS of puma sitting on rocks, looking over shoreline, mountains in background. (295)