SLOW MOTION LS of single brown or grizzly bear walking along shore of Naknek Lake toward camera, windy day. LS of brown or grizzly bear walking along shore of Naknek Lake, bear turning and walking ankle deep into water, ZOOM OUT. LS of three brown or grizzly bears, a sow and two juveniles, foraging for fish in shallow waters of Naknek Lake, sow picking up dead salmon and walking out of water with it in her mouth. MS of sow walking out of grass into water, finding a live salmon, picking it up and heading back into grass. VAR CU of pathetic looking brown or grizzly bear with tooth sticking out of its muzzle, bear is looking for fish in front of waterfall; bear catching salmon and eating it in fourth shot, still looking old and pathetic. LS of single brown or grizzly bear walking along shore of Naknek Lake, tall grass in foreground. CU of two brown or grizzly bears, a sow and a juvenile eating salmon (presumably) off sand along shore of Naknek Lake. LS of three grizzly or brown bears in and along shore of Naknek Lake. (13356)