STK-ID 46821

LS of crowd of people assembled in front of large arched structure in town square. CU of top of arch, inscription "India", TILT DOWN to snake charmer and another man playing musical instruments. MLS of snake charmer and another man playing instruments to assembled crowd, "India" arch in background. CU of top of arch, TILT DOWN to MS two of men playing instruments as crowd watches. CU of traffic passing by on crowded street including cars, buses, tuk tuks, motorcycles, bicycles; two men (one in turban, one carrying bundles on stick) crossing crowded street, cars and motorcycles crossing intersection. MS SA of man waiting to cross busy smoggy intersection as cars pass by. MS of man pedalling bicycle towing cart piled high with bundles, man riding on top. Wider shot of same with more hustle and bustle of street. VAR of crowded India street scenes showing cars whizzing by, man riding off on motorcycle towing cart full of people with packages. (41709)


Excerpt from
National Geographic
Available formats
Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio