TIME-LAPSE WA of sunrise on tadpole pool. CU of spadefoot toad eggs. MS of spadefoot toad eggs. MWA of tadpoles under water. CU of tadpole eating algae. CU of tadpole eating algae. ECU of big tadpole. MS of big tadpole eating little tadpole. WS of big sun. TIME-LAPSE WA of cholla cactus/tadpole pool (day). TIME-LAPSE MS of tadpole pool. MS of tadpoles in muddy foam. ECU of dry, dying tadpoles. ECU of dry, dying tadpoles. MCU of spadefoot toad burying self (back). CU of spadefoot toad burying itself. MCU of toad burying self (side view). CU of toad burying self (eye). MCU of covered toad, ground still moving. (223)