Canadians in Sicily: various shots of Canadian soldiers relaxing on board troopship on way to Sicily, looking over literature on Italy, playing cards. PAN of Sicilian coast, two ships moored in distance. Long sequence of shots of troopships in the distance, other ships in convoy. LS of pall of smoke over burning ship; cuts to LSs of lifeboats crammed with survivors. Early morning sequence on men landing on Sicilian beach as seen from an ampibious vehicle, men wading ashore from landing craft - no hurry, no firing. Various shots of men on land, taking their bearings, pausing before push inland. PAN of inhospitable terrain. PAN of invasion fleet at anchor in extreme distance. Breakers rolling up on beach in comparative foreground. Shot of landing barge full of soldiers heading for shore as seen from one of the troopships. Final shot on barge being loaded with supplies.