Charles De Gaulle's Visit (00/07/1944): MSs of Mackenzie King speaking to airman at airport, of JL Ralston doing likewise. Plane arriving, General Charles De Gaulle stepping out to be greeted by various dignitaries. Shots of De Gaulle inspecting air force honour guard, shaking Mackenzie King's hand, entering limousine. Sequence on De Gaulle depositing wreath at cenotaph. Shot of De Gaulle's car arriving on Parliament Hill past rank of sailors. Shot of general appearing on balcony in front of Centre Block with Governor general Earl of Athlone. PANs of immense crowd on hill. Shots of people applauding, of flags of France, Britain, and Red Ensign. MLS of balcony high on facade of the "Windsor", De Gaulle and retinue on balcony, TILT DOWN to crowd in lower foreground. Shot of Prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King introducing General De Gaulle on balcony in front of Centre Block (sound). Shot of De Gaulle speaking in French and English (sound). Three-shot of Governor general Athlone, General De Gaulle and Mackenzie King during part of "O Canada". Shot of Mackenzie King shouting three cheers for General de Gaulle, crowd replying.