CU of heads of patient vultures (two shots). Vultures envelopping congoni carcass, feasting in a heap of wings (two shots, MS to CU of wings, feathers). CU POV from inside bloody ribcage of congoni carcass as vultures feast. TCU of melee of bloody vulture heads feasting. LS of hyenas returning from running off lioness. LS of vultures feasting, mountains and clouds in background. MS of hyena returning among vultures. TCU of bloody vultures feasting, wings, heads. MS of hyena running past scattering vultures. LS of birds, hyenas, mountains, crowd dissipating after carcass has been stripped. CU of frowning hyena leaving stripped carcass. POV from beneath bloody stripped rib bones of congoni carcass looking through bones to blue sky with clouds. (471)