STK-ID 4799

Second Quebec Conference (00/09/1944): sequence on Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill being conferred honourary degrees from McGill University. CUs of the two leaders. Registrar TH Matthews does the honours. Cut to sequence on Lady Clementine Churchill and Eleanor Roosevelt greeting VIP's as they file past: General George C Marshall, General Hap Arnold, field marshal Sir John Dill, Admiral Ernest King. Mackenzie King is also present in the reception line. HAS shots of banquet. Cut to two-shot of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lady Clementine Churchill, to speech by Lady Clementine Churchill (sound). LSs of the "Big Three" (Sir Winston Churchill, WL Mackenzie King, Franklin Delano Roosevelt) posing with their retinue outside the Château Frontenac. Cut to reception where honoured guests meet Mackenzie King, Lady Clementine Churchill and Eleanor Roosevelt. HAS shot of formal banquet. Cut to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill receiving honourary degrees from McGill University. WL Mackenzie King and Princess Alice of Battenberg also receive degrees. Repeat of Lady Clementine Churchill's speech as above. FOLLOW SHOT of motorcade moving through Quebec City streets. Lead car stops and prime ministers Winston Churchill and King step out and are greeted by dignitaries. Similar shot of motorcade on the move, Winston Churchill and King being greeted by Premier Maurice Duplessis at National Assembly. Shots of Field Marshal Alan Brooke and another officer posing, shots of Field Marshal Brooke, another general and two admirals, one tentatively identified as Admiral Ernest King, US Navy and the other as Admiral Cunningham, Royal Navy. Shots of the same officers from various angles and distances, of officers getting into automobiles. Two-shot of generals GC Marshall and Hap Arnold. Closer view of Admiral Ernest King (not the same man as the above mentioned US admiral) passing by the camera, getting into a car. MLSs of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill posing with their chiefs of staff. Repeat of reception line: General GC Marshall, General Arnold, Admiral Andrew Cunningham, Air Marshal Charles Portal, Field Marshal Alan Brooke, Air Marshal GS Leckie and Air Marshal Breadner. Brief shots of Roosevelt and Churchill posing with their staffs, walking past the camera. Churchill is shown chatting with General Hap Arnold. Shots of press conference, papers being read, typewriters being pounded. Sequence on convocation where degrees are awarded to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill, WL Mackenzie King and Princess Alice of Battenberg. Shots of press conference by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill, by Eleanor Roosevelt who says a few words and Lady Clementine Churchill who also delivers a short speech.


Excerpt from
Canadian News - ASN
Old Quebec
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486