STK-ID 4841

General Montgomery Tours Canada (00/09/1946): two shots of General Montgomery inspecting airborne troops honour guard. Various shots of General Montgomery riding open car through city streets, waving to huge crowds. PANs over huge crowds. Shots of General Montgomery coming out of building with retinue of VIP's, of Montgomery waving to large crowd from dais. Shots of General Montgomery on his way to receive an honourary degree. General Montgomery is shown chatting with wounded veterans at military hospital - out of doors. Shot of General Montgomery riding down University Avenue in Toronto, waving always. Sequence on General Montgomery's arrival in Vancouver by plane, inspection of honour guard, shaking hands with veterans. Shot of General Montgomery speaking from steps of the legislature in Victoria, riding open car. MLS of legislature of British Columbia. Sequence on General Montgomery inspecting honour guard in Vancouver, going into city hall with dignitaries, riding open car in huge crowd. MLS of Vancouver City Hall. Sequence at Shaugnessy Hospital of General Montgomery visiting veterans, inspecting honour guard. Field Marshal Montgomery rides up to Parliament with Louis Saint-Laurent and is met by a war veteran. General Charles Foulkes, a civilian and General Crerar stand by. Cut to Montgomery receiving salute of guard. Sequence on General Montgomery inspecting veterans, speaking from dais, depositing wreath at cenotaph, TILT UP of same. Several shots of General Montgomery walking in crowd well protected by Royal Canadian Mounted Police constables.


Excerpt from
Canadian News - ASN
Victoria (British Columbia), Toronto, Vancouver (city), Ottawa
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio