Air Training Plan (00/12/1939): LS and MLS of members of Air Training Conference posing in group in front of Center Block at Parliament Buildings. Delegates posing front row, JL Ralston, 2nd from left, Senator Raoul Dandurand, 4th from left, Lord Riverdale, 5th from left, Prime minister Mackenzie King, E Lapointe, 8th from left, Norman Rogers, 10th from left. First row standing, Ian Mackenzie, 5th from left, CD Howe, 7th from left, Air Vice Marshal George M Croil, 9th from left. MS of HWL Saunders, Chief of New Zealand Air Staff, Lord Riverdale, Mackenzie King and JV Fairbairn, Australian mininster for Air standing and posing. Shots of Mackenzie King and of Lord Riverdale speaking to camera (sound).