WS of calm ocean in pink early morning sunlight, PAN RIGHT to HALS of large walrus colony (400 to 500) on pebbled beach in cove on Coates Island (0:53), MWS of ocean, PAN to HAMS of colony on beach, some cooling off in shallows, mild interactions (three takes; 2:02). WS of colony on beach in cove (0:16). HAMSs of colony, mild interactions, most are sleeping in a compact mass of brown bodies (0:41). MSs of walruses in shallows (1:01). Several MSs through heat shimmers of walrus colony on beach or in shallows, moderate interaction, many are awake, scratching, moving about (12:51). MS of small stampede, animals raising dust heading towards water, PAN to MLS of lone walrus left behind, it is fast asleep, shot of loner waking up and walking on all fours towards colony on shoreline, PAN LEFT to MCS of sleeping animals, many walruses visible in water in background (4:08).