ESTABLISHING of vast outlet glacier in Ellesmere National Park, terminus in foreground (0:33). MLS, PAN of glacier terminus (0:40) MS of striated ice face (0:13) MWS of glacial river at foot of ice face, PAN RIGHT along terminus to LS glacier, reverse shot (1:18). MLS of ice face, PAN LEFT along terminus and ZOOM OUT to MWS of terminus (1:02). MS of meltwater flowing on ice face (0:55). CSs of piece of weathered désert polaire on rocky hillside (3:14). HAMLS of waterfall on meltwater river at foot of terminus TILT UP and PANS of ice face (2:49). MSs, TILT Ups of meltwater flowing off ice face, MSs of striated ice face (3:02). WS of terminus and glacial river ZOOM OUT to MLS of striated ice face (1:00). PG EN PL of barren hillside dotted with rocks, PAN SHOTS of eroded glacial landscape (2:28).