CS of danger sign on steel cages containing weapons of war, land mines and various shells, on display outside building (0:06). LAMWS of OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) building in sunlight (0:08). MLS of satellite dishes on every balcony of apartment building, a lady is hanging out clothes to dry (0:26). LASs of OSCE building in sunlight (0:34). MS of LDK (political party) graffiti on wall of house (0:05). LAS of OSCE building, ZOOM IN to MS of satellite dish (0:25). CS of bicycles with OSCE stickers on them parked outside building (0:20) MS of OSCE bus parked outside building with people walking by (0:35). MSs of UN soldiers patrolling in street, shots of soldiers escorting official out of UN armoured vehicle into street and into building, shots of them climbing back into vehicle and driving away, shots of UN and KFOR (Kosoovo Force) vehicles parked in front of OSCE building (1:58).