STK-ID 51097

Low angle LS of American International Building framed by two high-rise buildings (0:19). LAS of Manhattan high-rise buildings, PAN to World Trade Center (WTC) parking sign (3 takes; 1:38). LAS of twin towers of WTC (0:21). LAS of nearby high-rise buildings, PAN to LAS of WTC, reverse shot (0:52). MLS of ornamental windows at street level, TILT UP along wall of WTC (3 shots; 1:34). LAMLSs of windows of WTC, TILT UP to roof (1:26). MLS of man on scaffolding outside WTC, TILT UP along glass wall, reverse shot (1:20). MLS of WTC reflected in windows of next building, TILT UP to LAS of ornate façade of old building (3 shots; 1:53). MLS of leafless tree in square seen through ribs of walkway ceiling of building, ZOOM OUT to MWS of building with One Liberty Plaza visible on right (0:35).


Excerpt from
Java Jive
New York (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486