Visual of Canada's "Pocket Desert" in spring. MLS of meltwater ponds at foot of escarpment (0:14). MLS, MWS of picket fence crossing flooded area (0:24). LAMWS of cumulus clouds over hillside dotted with sage bushes (0:10). CS of sage bushes swaying in the wind with overcast sky over valley, PAN of landscape (0:25). LACSs of sage bushes swaying in the wind against overcast sky, ZOOM OUT to shots of snow-patched mountains (1:00). HACSs, MCSs of yellow buttercups growing through dried tangled grass, MS of flowers at foot of sage-bushes (1:24). MWS of semi-arid landscape under overcast sky (0:28). More shots of buttercups and gnarly sage bushes, CS of yellow bell flower (2:03).