Winter scenics of Canada's "Pocket Desert". MSs, CSs of pictograms on rock face (1:27). Several WSs of cloud movement over landscape, including some time-lapse (3:31). WS PANS of sage bushes on valley floor surrounded by snow-patched mountains (2 shots; 0:48). LS of McIntyre Bluff with valley floor in foreground (0:07). LAS of tall pine tree with clouds sailing by in background (0:14). MWS of snow-patches mountainside with sage bushes in snow in foreground (0:10). WS, MWS, LS of McIntyre Bluff (0:29). MS, PAN of leafless bushes swaying in the wind (0:52). Series of WSs and PANS of snow-patched landscape (1:45), MLS of frozen surface of Spotted Lake (0:07). MS of snow-patches hillside (0:07). CU of melting snow around bunch grass, CS, PAN of shrubs (0:33). Time-lapse shots of clouds sailing by with mullein plants in foreground (0:10). Time lapse shot of cloud sailing by, seen from inside cave, framed by opening (0:11).