STK-ID 51769

Forward TRAVELLING SHOTS driving in streets of Ciudad Juarez (2:38). MLS of international bridge over Rio Grande linking Ciudad Juarez to El Paso (0:15). LS of high-rise buildings in El Paso with tall chain link fence topped with barbed wire in foreground, Lateral TRAVELLING SHOT driving along border fence (1:35). MLS of Rio Grande on outskirts of town, a highway at foot of mountains is visible in the distance, PAN RIGHT to MLS of small dam (1:11). Lateral TRAVELLING SHOT driving in poor residential area, two tall smokestacks are visible in the distance (0:43). MSs of poor dwellings behind fence on edge of slum (0:19). WS of slum at foot of mesa in semi-arid desert landscape (0:25). HAMSs of sturdy border fence, TILT UP to MWSs of endless fence and PAN LEFT of slums on Mexican side, reverse shots, children playing soccer in dirt field near fence are visible (4:34). WS, MWS of slums in desert at dusk (0:41). Hand-held shot walking along border fence as sunset afterglow colours clouds stretching out in sky (1:15). MS of American border patrol vehicle driving on other side of fence, dragging tires across dirt road, it turn around and passes again, silhouette of little boy climbs halfway up the fence in as it moves away (1:24). Ground to air shot of helicopter patrolling border at dusk (0:30).


Excerpt from
Les oubliés du XXIe siècle ou la fin du travail
Ciudad Juarez (Mexico), El Paso
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, DVCPRO25
Shooting format
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486