MWSs through heat shimmers of highway in desert landscape, PAN QUELQUES PLANS of working class housing for maquiladora workers along highway at foot of barren mountains, quelques plans of traffic on highway (5:37). MS, MLS of roadside sign announcing Salvarcar Industrial Park, MLS of buses (for transporting workers) parked behind maquiladora plant, PAN RIGHT through heat shimmers of working class housing to MS of Salvacar sign (0:40). WS of semi-desert landscape in valley with dusty road in foreground, PAN LEFT of maquiladora plants to MS of Salvarcar sign (0:32). Follow MS of youth riding bike across road to WS of semi-desert landscape in valley (0:24). LS through heat shimmers of working class housing with silhouette of mountains in background, PAN to shot of plant on other side of road, reverse shot, LS of people crossing field walking towards plants, shot of bus leaving plant (1:18). MWS through heat shimmers of city spreading out in valley at foot of barren mountains, a small palm tree on roadside is visible in foreground (0:15).