Series of shots of various birds found in largest raised peat bog on west coast, Delta's Burns Bog. LACS of raven perched in tree (0:12). MSs, CSs, CUs of short-eared owl perched in moss-covered tree (1:36). CS of sparrow perched in pine tree (0:11). CSs of sparrow vocalizing in bushes (0:27). MS, CS of cedar waxwing perched in tree (0:19). MS, CSs of great blue heron preening its feathers on shoreline (1:01). Great LAMS, LAMCS of bald eagles, male and female, in large nest in birch tree (0:48). CSs of downy woodpecker searching for insects in bark of tree (0:40) MCS of hummingbird gathering pollen from flowers in tree (0:49). MS, CSs of downy woodpecker, good shots of it feeding its chicks inside nest in tree (1:15). CSs of sparrow holding insect in its beak perched in gnarled bush (0:17). MS, MCS of cormorants and gulls perched on log near riverbank (0:19).