Series of shots of various birds found in largest raised peat bog on west coast, Delta's Burns Bog. LAMSs of numerous crows perched in tree, flying in and out, CU of crow perched on wire (0:44). HAMS, MCS of great blue heron perched on log boom (0:14). LAMCSs of numerous tree swallows in tree (0:42). CSs of black dove in tall grass (0:57). LAMS of silhouette of owl perched in leafless tree at dusk (0:22). LSMCS of female bald eagle on steel structure feeding on mouse (0:19). MCSs of lesser yellowlegs foraging in shallows (1:07). MS, MCS of dove perched in leafless tree ((0:22). Scenic MLS of clouds and trees reflecting in still surface of pond (0:10).