Visual of largest raised peat bog on west coast, Delta's Burns Bog. MLS of power shovel excavating earth and roots on fringe of bog (0:29). AERIAL SHOTS over bog, peat mining in the 1940s has gouged huge holes and drainage ditches in the heart of the bog, shots over quarry and highway 91 (1:01). MWSs of bog with pond lined with sphagnum moss in foreground and snow-clad mountain in the distance (0:36). CS of lily pads in still pond (0:05). MLS of cotton grass in bog (0:06). MWS of heart of the bog shrouded in fog (0:07). CS of plant covered with cobwebs, MSs of dwarf pines with many branches covered with cobwebs (0:47). MLS of sphagnum moss in heart of bog (0:09). MWSs of effects of peat mining in large areas of bog (0:54). MLS of two sandhill cranes in tall grass with snow-clad mountain in background (0:11). MLS of trees on edge of bog with city in the distance (0:06). MLSs of cotton grass swaying in the wind, MCS of dwarf pine, shots of sphagnum moss in waterlogged area (0:39). MSs of late afternoon sunlight in trees in edge of bog (0:38).