Series of shots of various birds found in largest raised peat bog on west coast, Delta's Burns Bog. Early morning MS of a few snow geese foraging in freshly tilled field on edge of bog (0:15). CSs of great blue heron (0:44). LASs of snow geese in flight over bog (0:41). CSs of great blue heron in tall grass, scratching (0:23). CS, MS of gull feeding on dead bird floating in pond (1:05). CS of American coots foraging in grass (0:07). CSs of barred owl perched in tree, looking straight at camera (0:34). CS of white-crowned sparrow perched in tree (0:08). CSs, CUs of male and female wood ducks (0:43). CS of blackbird (0:05). CS of sparrow perched on twig (0:08). CU of white-crowned sparrow pecking at tree (0:10). CS of Carolina chickadee on twig, flying away (0:05). MLS, MS of snow geese foraging in marsh (0:13).