Series of shots of various birds found in largest raised peat bog on west coast, Delta's Burns Bog. CSs, CUs of Steller's jay in pine tree, CS of sparrow (1:25). CUs, CSs, MLSs of great horned owl perched in tree (1:52). MS of various ducks in pond (0:17). LAMLS, CSs of male bald eagle perched on utility pole, CUs of its claws and feathers (1:17). MS of immature bald eagle perched on fence post near small aircraft airport (0:15). MLS of numerous shorebirds foraging in shallow of Boundary Bay, more come flying in, landing, then whole flock taking off flying out of view from left (0:27). MS of small stream flowing out from bog into bay (0:14). LS of a dozen bald eagles in shallow at sunset, mild interaction, MLSs of eagles standing in shallows, waiting for something (0:23). MSs of barred owl in bushes (0:23). MLS of snow geese foraging in freshly tilled field on edge of bog with snow-clad mountains visible in the distance, MSs of geese (0:39).