MLS of long line of UN vehicles parked outside UN headquarters in Kinshasa, many Humvees, 4 wheel drive vehicles, PAN of base and soldier's barracks, soldiers moving about (2:00). MS two peacekeepers at entrance to MONUC headquarters, ZOOM OUT to MLS of building (2 shots, 0:52). Various shots of UN vehicles lined up on road, shots of barracks, shots of convoy getting ready for departure, peacekeepers manning armed vehicles (2:03). CS of front of Humvee, ZOOM OUT to MCS of manned vehicle (0:19). Shots of two soldiers guarding gate at entrance, opening it to let pass UN vehicles (2:05). CS of parked UN vehicle, TILT UP to LAMLS of communication satellite in yard, ZOOM IN to LAMS (0:33). MCS, CS of two armed Moroccan peacekeepers standing guard behind sandbag barrier, front views of same (2:06). Shots of UN utility vehicles; small trucks, forklifts, cistern truck in yard where construction is going on under tight surveillance of peacekeepers (2:26).