Visual of Tbilisi. CSs of men playing dominoes in park, TILT UP to LASs of Soviet style high-rise apartment building, Hotel Iveria, a Soviet luxury hotel turned refugee camp, several late afternoon LASs from various distances of Hotel Iveria (4:19). Scenic MWS of Mtkvari River that crosses city at dusk, ZOOM IN to MLS of same building, reverse shots (1:29). Early morning MLSs of racing canoe teams training on river in gorge, ZOOM OUT to MWS of buildings on edge of cliff, MS of Metehki Church on right bank, slow ZOOM OUT, PAN along buildings at top of cliff, several shots (5:14). WS of city seen from top of Mount Mtatsminda, ZOOM OUT to ESTABLISHING SHOT, ZOOM IN to LS of large church (0:51). MWSs of sunset afterglow colouring thin clouds above mountains, ZOOM IN to MS of silhouette of leaves of small tree swaying in the wind, several takes (1:36). LASs of huge Mother Georgia statue, left by the Russians, MLS side view of statue, ZOOM IN to MS (2 shots; 1:27). MSs of traffic at intersection, many Ladas driving by camera, ZOOM IN to MLS looking down narrow street, MLSs, MSs of façade of historical building in same street as darkness falls (3:20).