Series of shots of UN activities at Bunia airport. Shot of Congolese warlord and his entourage walking towards UN official, one is carrying a cane adorned with leopard skin, they look more like thugs than soldiers, a few closer shots of cane as they talk, they follow official towards building. Shots of armed Uruguayan peacekeepers standing guard near aircrafts. Shots of 4-wheel drive vehicle being loaded into UN MI-8MTV-1 helicopter, a C-130 cargo plane taxiing to parking area, shots of men tying down vehicle inside helicopter, shots of Congolese men unloading cement sacks from C-130, then an armoured personnel carrier is unloaded from plane. WS of two helicopters starting up, CS of rotors, shots of it taxiing and taking off. Shots of C-130 starting up, taxiing to runway, shot of Antonov taxiing to parking area, as it stops C-130 passes behind it on runway, FOLLOW SHOT of it taking off, banking right.