STK-ID 52324

Series of shots of general activity at the nesting grounds of snow geese and blue geese (immature) at La Perouse Bay in the Hudson Bay Lowlands in June. FOLLOW MSs of Arctic fox trotting down rocky hillside, sitting on rocks, observing, approaching a few snow geese, fox and geese standoff, geese win and fox runs off (2:11). MSs of a few geese on mudflat (1:09). CSs of lichens and moss, PANS from algae in pond to lichens, MLSs of ponds in salt marshes, a few geese are visible on far shore (2:43). HACS of murky water in pond (0:31). MLS across pond of nesting sites (0:13). CS of Lapland longspur bird foraging in tundra (0:34). CU of geese down stuck in lichen (0:13). CS of snow goose feeding on lichens between snow patches (2:12).


Excerpt from
Wild Goose Chase
Hudson Bay
Wild Goose Chase
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg, Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486