Scenic shots of Pangnirtung in summer. CUs, PAN of lichen on ground, TILT UPS from lichen patch to CS of black lichen on rock (1:27). MSs, PANS of rounded boulders piled up on waterfront (0:41). MLS of black lichen on boulder on hillside, slow ZOOM IN to LS of jagged mountain peak in the distance, reverse shot (0:57). WSs of fiord and surrounding barren headlands (0:18). MSs, MLSs, PANS of short grass on plateau crossed by small meltwater stream overlooking fiord, hand held shot walking along stream (2:07). CSs, CUs, PANs of irregular shaped boulders, eroded by wind and water on shoreline (5:07). CUs of white tufted saxifrage flower (1:04). CUs, PANS of black lichen on exposed boulder (2:20). Several CUs of various arctic wildflowers and lichens, including dwarf willow and caribou lichen (14:31). MLS, PAN along vertical cliffs, ZOOM OUT to WS of majestic fiord (2 shots; 1:49).