Large-vessel seal hunt. MSs, CSs of sealers on deck cutting off foreflippers off whitecoat pelts, shots of them stacking pelts (1:40). HAMS of pelts stacked on deck, TILT UP to MLS of ship's bridge, ZOOM IN to MS of captain at open window talking in walkie-talkie, reverse shot (0:37). CS of sealer on ice stringing pelt on his tow rope and walking away, leaving bloody carcass behind (0:56). MS of sealer clubbing whitecoat with spiked club (hakapik) (0:25). LS of helicopter landing on helipad of ship wedged into ice floe (0:15). CS of sealer holding hakapik posing for camera (0:07). MS of sealer clubbing and pelting whitecoat (0:57). MS of sealer on ice floe carrying hakapik walking by camera, CS of hakapik (0:28).