MS of twin prop Fairchild SA227-AC Metro III plane (interprovincial) winding down in parking area of airport, shots of ground crew unloading plane, female pilot steps off followed by passengers, an Israel 1A1 -1124 Westwind jet enters view, FOLLOW SHOT as it taxies to runway (3:42). MS of Fairchild jet near hangar (0:24). FOLLOW LS of Westwind jet taking off (1:20). FOLLOW SHOT of Piper Navajo turbo prop plane landing (1:39). MWS of airport building with chain link fence topped with barbed wires in foreground (1:05). POVSs from rear of vehicle driving down middle of runway, stopping at end, TILT UP to LAS of clouds above, reverse shot, LSs looking down runway, HASs of white lines passing by (11:32). FOLLOW LS of Beech twin prop plane landing and taxiing by camera, MS front view of it winding down, of passengers stepping off (3:21). MLS, MSs of Long Ranger helicopter landing near Shell fuel pumps, winding down, passengers stepping off (3:52). FOLLOW LS of Fairchild plane, followed by Westwind jet, landing and taxiing to parking, stopping in front of camera (6:28).