Shots of Red Cross 4-wheel drive ambulance inside cargo bay of C-115 Buffalo cargo plane in flight over Sudan (1:57). POVSs over pilot's shoulder of plane landing on dirt airstrip in the bush (5:12). Various shots of ambulance being unloaded (4:53). Shots of plane being prepared for take off, FOLLOW SHOT of plane taking off (5:41). CS of "NO GUNS" sign on window of ambulance (0:30). FOLLOW LAS of C-115 Buffalo passing overhead and flying away (0:25). MS of United Nations Cessna Grand Caravan 208B airplane starting up (0:34). FOLLOW SHOT of C-115 Buffalo plane landing, raising a cloud of dust and taxiing to parking area, shots of UN Cessna taxiing to end of runway with C-115 winding down in foreground, FOLLOW of Cessna taking off (4:14). Various shots around C-115, Red Cross vehicles parked nearby, shots from inside of cargo bay doors closing (6:18). Shots of pilots operating controls during take-off, CUs of instruments (8:25).